Our New Year's divination promised some of us problems - a peanut, some are waiting for money - a coin, some are afraid of the waiting poverty - a piece of dried bread. And the lucky one who got the barbie's shoe will be the party queen of the year... We had our traditional "The Cups Will Tell" -game on New Year's Eve at home with the family and always write down the results. It is funny then before the next game to see how it actually went.
Now we have all been on a flu, been coughing like in a sanatorium and filled our days with games, books and films.
Today we needed some filling in our shelves - especially when the weather forecast promised us a new storm and probably new power cuts. So it will be reading in the candel light then...
We have a small but very good public library on our island and a friendly librarian who helps to find some reading, remembers what you especially like and for the teenagers who just gobble books she orders from other libraries. Libraries are something very Finnish and to me personally a magic place since my childhood. All my children have got an own card when they have learnt to read and that has been a big and exciting day. I still remember my first day as a real customer...
There began my gobbling age...
My today's prey:)
I took a head start already today with a new book by a Finnish Jari Tervo. Layla is a story of a young Kurd girl who ends up in Finland - it is touching and a strong statement for the rights of women. I am afraid I can't sleep before the last page tonight... |