Suuri Seikkailu ja elämä nyt!

Hyppäsimme käsi kädessä! Olemme saanet aitoutta, pysähtymistä, heräämistä, hetkeä. Nyt elämme hirsiä ja pellavarivettä, banaanilaatikoita, teinejä ja taaperoa, koiranneniä ja lampaita, kaartelevia merikotkia ja huikaisevaa halua merelle.




The Newest in Our Flock!

Say Hello to...

I had been browsing through pages of Dogs Without Homes and trying to find me a companion. Since 5 years old I have had a dog to go out with, so I'm the kind of person who needs a reason to have a walk. I also need a reason to go out when it rains or the wind tries to take me for a flight if the other option is to stay by the warming fire with a good book and a cup of tea... 
 Juliet comes from South-Romania and although we are still getting to know each other, I believe we are going to be great friends. And with the other dogs in the family, too, now when the ranking order is slowly being established...

Laara from Estonia
Juliet is our 4th dog with an unhappy puppyhood, so I know there will be days and situations not so easy ahead, too, but Jansku, Owen and Laara turned out to be really good dogs in the end. So I recommend. 
Owen from Finland and Mamma Maarit from Korppoo!


The Door and the Promise!

To live in this family requires patience. A piece of plastic is not really a door but it was to us for over two years. I just stapled more sheets when the wind threatened to blow in too much snow or the birds found their way to their winter oat.

We wanted to have a door like the original, but steadier and propositional with the veranda. 
With this super machine we have planed a lot. It is an old Casolin planer, made in Italy, I guess one of their oldest models.
The helping hand...
The lunette window is still waiting for its turn to be painted and glassed, but we were lucky to be the last customers of the Rintala & Rintala and being very happy with their work got a pair door before they retired.

We are looking for a lock like this now, this one suitable for a door to be opened from the left side, we'll save it for the new sauna-laundry cottage.
I make promises every New Year - this year I am going to close some doors and find new to open. I probably need some keys as well.
                                                          Wish me luck...


Lämmittää Sydäntä!

Kiitos. Se tuli monen mutkan kautta, mutta löysi perille jouluksi ja pääsee joulun jälkeen joulukoristelaatikkoon. Se on siis ylennetty perinnekoristeiden kastiin, sen verran kaunis ja käsin tehty, taidokas se on.
Thank you. It found us finally, and it is so lovely that after X-mas it is honoured to be packed with other important Christmas decorations of our family  and to be found again next year.
Viime kesän kioskikesä Rumarin vuorella oli täynnä työntäyteisiä, leppoisia, aurinkoisia ja sateisia päiviä, kahvinkeittimen pörinää, lämmitettyjä teekannuja ja kotonaleivotun tuoksua. Ja ihmisiä. Joka puolelta ja kaikenlaisia, mutta hyvällä mielellä, kiinnostuneita, rentoutuneita. Oli meidän ilo saada heidät nauttimaan saariston kiireettömyydestä ja hiljaisuudesta ja yhdessä tähystellä merikotkia ja muistella historian kiemuroita.
Days at our small café last summer were full of quick steps, fresh coffee, tea-pots warming, sun and rain, and people from all over. It was our joy to make our guests feel relaxed and enjoy their stay in the silence and nature of our archipelago, to watch the eagles together and tell ancient stories. 
Minäkin yritän muistaa kiittää, ja taidanpa laatia nyt oman listani. Joulukin saa vielä jatkua. Vasta Nuuttina pakataan joulu laatikkoon ja syödään kovia kokenut piparkakkutalo, josta Laara-koira hotkaisi jo alkumetreillä enkelit ja puolet perheestä sekä nuoli pölysokerit - ei hätää, tupsutin uutta!
I try to remember to send, too, afterwards, because it feels so nice to know you had succeeded and I have a couple of candidates, that I want to thank. But X-mas, it is still at our home, I don't want to pack it away yet.
We'll wait until the 13th January, the day of Nuutti, Knut, that ends our X-mas season.
Then the decorations are packed and the poor ginger-bread house eaten, that was already during the first days attacked by Laara the Dog. She ate all the angels and half of the family and licked away the powder sugar - but no worries, I re-powdered it!