Suuri Seikkailu ja elämä nyt!

Hyppäsimme käsi kädessä! Olemme saanet aitoutta, pysähtymistä, heräämistä, hetkeä. Nyt elämme hirsiä ja pellavarivettä, banaanilaatikoita, teinejä ja taaperoa, koiranneniä ja lampaita, kaartelevia merikotkia ja huikaisevaa halua merelle.




The Yarn Man

It is like a wind-mill with its wings.

"Yoo-hoo? Is someone at home?"

"Yes, I am! Who is disturbing my peace since.."


" I used to count the rounds when making the skeins and announce it with my pointers - now missing - and by popping up from my window."

"I am retired now.. Just keep those nosy little children off from my wings and close the window, please. Some respect if I may ask!"

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry.. I'll dust you with a gentle hand."

They knew how to make even the ordinary things beautiful and every-day chores amusing. These rustic antique utencils are amazing - functional and lovely for the eye. I wish we had as clever hands and jovial minds when making our modern gimmicks... 

4 kommenttia:

  1. A lovely post! Hope the weather isn't too bad!

    1. Vilken alldeles ljuvlig härvel! Fick ett stort behov av att få veva lite på den så gubben tittar ut (förvara utom räckhåll för vuxna också! ;)

  2. Hello Maarit,
    i still like this post . What a fantastic , wonderfull toy .
    Have a nice week ,

  3. Happy Weekend! I have an award for you on my blog:)
