Suuri Seikkailu ja elämä nyt!

Hyppäsimme käsi kädessä! Olemme saanet aitoutta, pysähtymistä, heräämistä, hetkeä. Nyt elämme hirsiä ja pellavarivettä, banaanilaatikoita, teinejä ja taaperoa, koiranneniä ja lampaita, kaartelevia merikotkia ja huikaisevaa halua merelle.




Following the Path

On the other side of the field there is the home forest, a path and a mighty tree..
...that used to separate the earth and the sky and hold them on their own places.
Even if the tree is over hundred years old and has no more green needles it is alive.
It is a home for many and it will take another hundred years before there is nothing left of it.
The tree just calls you to put your cheek against its bark that is so hard that it wouldn't burn in a forest fire and to tie your arms around it even if you cannot reach to touch. You feel rooted and safe.
The path leads to the home forest which was thought to be the kingdom of Hiisi, Tapio and others and where you were not allowed to harm a thing without a reason and asking a permission.
The well provides water for the forest animals and it too is a home for fauna that can be thousands of years old.

If you wash your face with the fount water you will be spireted and perky the whole year.
The path is not only used by us but by the elks and deer as well so it stays open.
On the top of the cliffs there is a white stone where it is said the snakes gathered to meet but it is not the only secret up here where people thought your sacreficies and prayers were best heard.
After the Ice Age the ground started to arise because of the upthrust, but it took thousands of years before there was nothing above the sea. This spot is about 30 metres above the sea level and down there is a hole the seal hunters made 3500-2500 years ago during the Bronze Age.
The cellar
So for the hunters and fishermen these cliffs were a safe harbour on an endless sea.
One of my favourite routes home down by the rock face...
... while she prefers the ones up.
Back safe - without that the goblins took us under the forest.. Not that I was worried.
We always come home richer than we left though hands empty like this time and she is the only one strengths left to run. What does give you the same feeling of peace & having gained?


A Beach and a Boy

It is starting to feel like January with frost and snow flakes - a perfect weather for a long walk!
We were suprised by two elks that made their way with force through the bushes across the small road to the village beach. It began to feel much more exciting after that and not only the dogs were listening to every sound from the forest - until we came to the shore. 
Then it was only the sea that filled all the sences. The sound is harsh in the winter and there are all kind of other voices that are made by the frozen stones above the water, icicles building by the waves. Still, the open sea makes the air feel warmer here than in the village.

'A long walk' means provisions. Picnic sheltered by the cliffs - glögg and cinnamon rusks... 
Kopphäll Light and the fairway of our summer adventures... All winter time to plan routes and escapes!


Holy Days

Forest has a magical effect. Everything becomes easier, breathing, walking. You could go on for hours. And while your eyes adopt to the natural light you see all the different colours and shades, see life despite the winter and frost. 
But the one thing that is demanding every year, that is to find the perfect Christmas tree. It took us to the other side of Pellas Home Forest, behind the big cliffs and near the old path to church this year.

Now the tree stands in the large living room - for the first time - until the 13th January, day of Nuutti when the Christmas time ends at us. The room that had been used to paint and store, was emptied of the wood, piles of panel, buckets of paint, and has now been the center of our Christmas, by the fire, around the long table.

These holy days have seemed endless, peaceful and calming. Books, long walks & monopoly games, good films, lots of chocolate and increasing light - Christmas in the archipelago.