Suuri Seikkailu ja elämä nyt!

Hyppäsimme käsi kädessä! Olemme saanet aitoutta, pysähtymistä, heräämistä, hetkeä. Nyt elämme hirsiä ja pellavarivettä, banaanilaatikoita, teinejä ja taaperoa, koiranneniä ja lampaita, kaartelevia merikotkia ja huikaisevaa halua merelle.




Something in the air...

And something in my nose because I can't scent the saffron - everyone else in the family follows their noses and gathers to kitchen when I start making the dough: - Oh, what a lovely scent! Are you baking the Lucia buns? Yes, I was because today is the Day of Lucia and the lovely yellow buns had to be ready for the morning.

I am a real fan of Anneli Pessala! She is a legendary food reporter of Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, a news paper of the countryside people and this is one of her recipes:

Celebrating Lucia is more a tradition of the Swedish-speaking Finns but we have adopted it to our family traditions after years of living in a sweadish-speaking area - and especially after my memorable year in Borgå Folkhögskola in Porvoo as a young student. My dearest memory of Lucia is when I had given birth to my eldest daughter and still resting at hospital with my lovely new-born baby-girl in my arms the door to my room opened on 13th Dec. 1996 and in came that year's Lucia and her followers singing and bringing me a bun and and a hot cup of coffee.

This year's Lucia was my eldest daughter who helped me to bake and then this morning carried a basket with soft buns and hot glogg to each and every one in the family with pappa playing the guitar and me singing so much I could sing in the light of my head-lamp and my morning voice... But we got everyone awake!

Lucia is said to have been a Sicilian girl who was tortured and killed because of her belief. Tonight at our own church a new Lucia of Korppoo island will be crowned with a crown of candels, a lovely play to see with songs and little angels.

And while we were baking we got a new cabin over the kitchen sink almost ready - it will still get the doors and some graining to finish the painting. 

And Lucia of Finland, here is Nora Peltola:

                      But how shall I do with the saffron and my nose...?

                     Have a lovely Lucia Day!

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