Suuri Seikkailu ja elämä nyt!

Hyppäsimme käsi kädessä! Olemme saanet aitoutta, pysähtymistä, heräämistä, hetkeä. Nyt elämme hirsiä ja pellavarivettä, banaanilaatikoita, teinejä ja taaperoa, koiranneniä ja lampaita, kaartelevia merikotkia ja huikaisevaa halua merelle.




Kekri celebrations

Leena Lepakko!
We have been celebrating the Kekri in our family since the children were small, combaining the old Finnish Kekri traditions and adding something borrowed from the American Halloween. The Kekri was celebrated in the end of the harvest season when all the crop was stored and the peasants had some time to relax and get together.

It was also believed that the spirits were moving and all kind of magic was used to protect the cattle and people. A so called Kekri pukki, a person dressed as a goat made load visits to the neighbours - a role model to the Finnish Santa Claus...

This year it was our first Kekri at our new home and the first year we had real pumpkins, by a gardener Iris here. From the pumpkin we made a lantern by the door and from what we found inside we made roasted seeds and a pumpkin pie served with ice-cream. It was so delicious that I think we shall make some more next weekend...

Pumpkin was baked first in the oven.

The best is always doing together: planning, making, baking and then gathering around the table with the family, good food and some funny games.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely photos! It is nice to read about different traditions:)

  2. Ha ha! Mainiot hämppylihapullat ja Leena Lepakko :-D Kiva kuulla mukavan kuuloisesta perhetraditiosta. Minuakin kiinnostaa kekri, sen perinteet on sittemmin siirretty jouluun. Sadonkorjuujuhla tuntuisi paljon luontevammalta sadonkorjuuaikaan!
